How Do You Know When Your Ps4 Pro Controller Is All the Way Charged

Being able to maximize the time y'all spend gaming in between controller charging is something all gamers try to do. You want your PlayStation 4 controller to last as long equally possible then you don't take to bandy out controllers, or worse nonetheless, wait for the controller to recharge.

By beingness able to tell if your PlayStation 4 controller is fully charged, your controller will last its longest before information technology side by side has to be charged. This means more fourth dimension for gaming.

On your PlayStation 4 console, y'all tin can bank check the charge level of your controller by pressing the PS button on your controller. This will display the charge level on the screen. Another fashion to tell if your PlayStation 4 controller is fully charged is when the light bar on your controller turns off.

At present that nosotros've determined the answer of to the question how to tell if my PlayStation 4 controller is fully charged, let's look at some FAQs related to PlayStation 4 controller charging. Including, how long it takes to fully recharge your controller?, exercise controllers stop charging when full?, and top tips for extending your PS4 controller's battery life.

How To Tell If My PlayStation 4 Controller Is Fully Charged? - pin
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How Long Does It Take To Recharge A PS4 Controller?

A common question virtually gamers have when their new PlayStation 4 controller runs out of bombardment for the outset time is how long it will accept to recharge the controller.

If you know roughly how long information technology volition take to recharge your PS4 controller, and so you can programme accordingly.

Peradventure you can take a coffee break or get for a walk around the cake with the domestic dog while your controller charges.

It can take roughly ii hours for a PlayStation iv controller to fully recharge if the battery has run out. Completely charging your controller from zero charge is the best way to maintain skillful a battery life in your PS4 controller.

Of course, to avoid having to look the length of time it takes to fully accuse your PS4 controller, you lot tin can merely buy a second or even third controller to bandy out when needed.

I mention this tip plus some really useful tips for becoming a better gamer in my other blog post:

eleven Guaranteed Ways To Become A Better Gamer

Will My Controller Terminate Charging When My PlayStation iv Controller Is Fully Charged?

If you are any way familiar with using technology regularly, peculiarly in the past, you might know about the dangers of overcharging batteries and how it tin damage them over time.

This might cause you to wonder about the perils of charging your PlayStation 4 controller and if you lot could exist doing it damage past leaving it to accuse for also long.

Fortunately, this is less mutual in today'south technology equally in most cases, things similar phone chargers are smart enough to stop charging a phone when the battery is total.

The same is true for charging PlayStation four controllers.

PlayStation 4 controllers will end charging when the bombardment is full. Y'all can tell the controller is fully charged when the light bar turns off. Yous can leave the charging cablevision plugged into your PS4 controller and information technology will not do any impairment to your controller.

Can I Use My PlayStation 4 Controller When Information technology's Charging?

At present that nosotros know how long information technology takes to fully charge a PlayStation iv controller, yous might be wondering if you tin keep to use your controller while information technology'south charging.

That way, you can go on to game uninterrupted while your controller is charging.

You can withal use your PlayStation four controller when information technology'due south continued to your PS4 and charging every bit it will all the same part. With that said, using your controller while it'southward charging volition increase the time information technology takes to fully charge. Additionally, over time the charging port on your controller could become damaged due to movement when using it.

With that in mind, I wouldn't recommend using your PlayStation iv controller when it's charging. Instead, take a break from gaming or invest in a 2nd controller to swap out. This will get the most out of your PlayStation four controller and help it to last longer.

How To Accuse A PS4 Controller When Your PS4 Console Is In Rest Mode

Putting your PS4 console into residue mode finer puts it to sleep.

Equally it isn't fully powered off, you tin can still download game updates or install games while it'southward in rest mode.

Additionally, when you plough on your PS4 from residue mode, you can immediately start playing a game from where y'all left it and the kicking-up procedure is much faster.

In order to take full reward of remainder mode on your PS4, there are a number of configuration options including the ability to charge your PS4 controller while your console is in rest style.

To charge your PS4 controller when your PS4 console is in residual fashion:

  1. On your PS4 console navigate to Settings > Power Save Settings > Set Features Bachelor In Rest Mode
  2. From here, ensure Supply Power to USB Ports is turned on. You tin can set this to Always or Three hours depending on your preference. This volition allow you to go along to charge your PS4 controller when your PS4 console is in residue mode.

Tips For Saving Battery Life On Your PS4 Controller

Now that we know how long it takes to charge your controller, at that place are certainly some of yous who are at present wondering how to salve the bombardment life on your PS4 controller.

If information technology lasts longer between charges, then you lot won't accept to accuse it as oft, elementary as that.

For those of you wondering nigh saving battery life, I've got just the thing, a list of meridian tips for y'all to follow.

#1 Reduce the lite bar brightness

To lower the low-cal bar effulgence on your PS4 controller:

  1. On your PS4 panel, navigate to Settings > Devices > Brightness
  2. From here you can choose the brightness level of the PS4 controller'due south light bar. In this example, it is recommended you choose the everyman choice to maximize battery life.

#ii Turn off controller vibration

To plough off controller vibration on your PS4 controller:

  1. On your PS4 console, navigate to Settings > Devices > Controllers
  2. From here deselect the checkbox next to Enable Vibration to turn off vibration on your controller

#3 Reduce the time until controllers turn off

To reduce the time until your PS4 controller turns off:

  1. On your PS4 panel, navigate to Settings > Power Save Settings
  2. From here select Gear up Time Until Controllers Plow Off. You can select from a few options:
    • After x Minutes (Recommended for all-time battery life)
    • After thirty Minutes
    • Later sixty Minutes
    • Do Not Turn Off

#four Reduce the controller'due south speaker book

To reduce the volume of your controller'southward speaker:

  1. On your PS4 console, navigate to Settings > Devices > Controllers
  2. From hither you lot can turn down the volume in the Book Control (Speaker for Controller) selection. In this case, it is recommended yous turn this off completely for ameliorate battery life but you lot could but turn it down significantly.

How To Make Your PS4 Controller's Battery Live Longer

At present that nosotros've covered some great tips for saving battery life on your PS4 controller, something worth talking well-nigh side by side is how to aid your controller bombardment to live longer overall.

Merely put the best mode to increase the overall bombardment lifespan of your PS4 controller is to fully recharge it from goose egg accuse.

By performing this full cycle from nada charge to full charge, you'll be keeping the battery in tip-top status. This will ensure the battery in your PS4 controller lasts as long equally possible.

How To Reset Your PS4 Controller If It Isn't Working Correctly

If your PS4 controller isn't behaving as expected, a quick fix is commonly to reset your controller. This is quick to do and all you need is a reset tool or a small pin that will fit into the reset hole.

To reset your PlayStation four controller:

  1. Starting time, completely turn off your PS4 console and so it won't interfere with the controller reset procedure. I recommend simply unplugging it for at present.
  2. Next, locate the PS4 controller reset switch. This is a small pigsty that is located at the underside of your PS4 controller to the right of the charging port.
  3. Taking the reset tool, hold downwards the reset switch for x seconds to reset the controller
  4. One time the controller has been reset, connect the controller to your PS4 via USB cable and power on your console.
  5. You tin now repair your controller to your panel by pressing the PS Push button on your controller.

In my experience of using PlayStation 4 controllers, simply resetting them volition resolve near 90% of the bug you may feel with them.

With that in mind, this is an of import matter to learn how to do.

For more than information on troubleshooting PS4 controller issues, I recommend reading this article: Fix PlayStation 4 Controller Connection Problems


You've reached the end of the commodity, thank y'all for reading to the cease. Permit'south summarize what we covered before nosotros end:

  • Firstly, nosotros answered the question how to tell if your PlayStation 4 controller is fully charged
  • Next, we looked at how long it takes to fully recharge a PS4 controller
  • Side by side, nosotros answered the question do PlayStation 4 controllers stop charging when full
  • After that, we talked about if you tin use your PlayStation iv controller when it'south charging
  • Next, we walked through how to charge your PS4 controller when your PS4 console is in rest mode
  • Next, I shared with y'all some top tips for saving bombardment life on your PS4 controller
  • After that, we talked about how y'all can make your PS4 controller'southward battery live longer
  • Finally, we looked at how you can reset your PS4 controller if information technology isn't working correctly

I actually hope yous found some value in reading this article on PlayStation four controller charging.

If you did, please consider sharing it on social media. It volition aid other gamers like you to find this helpful data.

Finally, if y'all enjoyed reading this post on how to tell if your PlayStation four controller is fully charged, you might similar to read these articles next:

  • 11 Guaranteed Ways To Go A Improve Gamer
  • PlayStation iv Controller Buttons – A Beginner's Guide
  • 11 Most Important Things To Know Before Buying A PS4
  • Tin I Apply A PS3 Controller On a PS4 Panel?
  • 6 Best Benefits Of Playing Video Games


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