Why Dose Caffeine.tv Need So Much Upload

How Much Internet Speed Practice You Need For YouTube?

You tin can scout YouTube on very dull internet connections, even with download speeds below 1 Mbps. But it's important to accept a faster, more reliable connectedness for amend video quality.

Higher definition content, like 4K or 1080p, requires between 2.v Mbps and xx Mbps, depending on the quality of the video.

Want to make certain that you have plenty speed to sentinel YouTube while doing all your normal online activities? Take our test to find out how much cyberspace speed you lot need.

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What download speed practise I need to watch YouTube?

YouTube has been around since 2005, and while it has kept upward with the times past continually offering higher quality video for those with newer devices, it still also offers lower resolutions made for the days of dial-up internet.

The highest video quality bachelor on YouTube is currently 8K, which is a fairly new improver and higher resolution than about videos on the site. As such, YouTube doesn't have an official recommended speed withal, but we suggest having a connection with at least 100 Mbps download speed and unlimited data.

If yous want to lookout man YouTube videos in 4K resolution, you're going to need an internet connection that can sustain a speed of 20 Mbps. Although this means that you could get by on a xx Mbps connection, y'all might experience pauses or drops in quality if your internet connection fluctuates at all or if other devices on your network are competing for that bandwidth. To become a smooth viewing experience, we recommend having a slightly higher speed than is required for the resolution you're watching in order to permit the video stream buffer.

Although faster internet connections are very helpful in watching online video, YouTube can deliver good quality, even on relatively slow connections. For case, you lot can watch HD video in 720p with a bandwidth of just two.5 Mbps. Even slower DSL connections shouldn't have a problem with that.

Pro tip:

The "p" that comes after resolutions like 1080p stands for progressive scanning, which ways that every frame of video is a complete image. Older CRT televisions often used interlaced video (480i resolution), where each frame rendered only every other line of pixels. This halved the bandwidth required for a transmission and reduced the perception of flicker.

If yous don't have a fast connection, no worries. While YouTube offers resolution up to 4K, yous can reduce the resolution of your videos all the style down to 144p. For reference, that'south smaller than the resolution of the original Nintendo.

YouTube doesn't give specific speed recommendations for its lowest resolutions (they're pretty low quality), but it lists 500 kbps equally the minimum speed requirement for using the site.i It besides previously listed these lower resolutions as good options for people still on 56 kbps dial-upwardly connections (though it admits that you might accept to wait a bit for the video to load).2 That means no matter how slow your connectedness is, at that place's probably a way to make YouTube videos piece of work on your device.

Are you getting plenty speed from your connectedness to watch high-quality video? Discover out how much speed your connection actually has by taking our speed examination.

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Download speed is fairly consistent beyond devices, which means that information technology doesn't matter if y'all're watching on a Goggle box, a smartphone, or a computer—you even so need the same speed to watch higher quality videos. If some of your devices are having trouble at higher resolutions and others aren't, it might be a problem with the device or a problem with your Wi-Fi network.

What else do I need to watch YouTube?

Download speed is the nearly important requirement for watching YouTube videos, but there are as well software and operating system requirements for using the site. If yous're watching YouTube on a mobile device or a smart TV, the easiest way to sentry is to but use the appropriate YouTube app on your device. You can likewise watch YouTube using a mobile browser, though the app commonly works better.

Officially, the site supports the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari
  • Opera

This will allow you to scout most content on the site; however, YouTube notes that some "premium" videos like movies, TV shows, and livestreams require faster connections and have additional requirements, such as specific operating systems:

  • Windows 7 or higher
  • Mac Os X ten.seven or higher
  • Ubuntu 10 or higher

The Opera browser is as well notably absent-minded from the list of browsers required for premium content.

One other important notation is that if you lot're watching YouTube videos in a browser, 4K and 8K playback is unavailable unless you're using Google Chrome. YouTube officially says that Chrome is required for watching all Hard disk content in a browser, but nosotros were able to watch 1080p in Firefox without any issues, so it seems that only 4K and 8K require Chrome. Both YouTube and the Chrome browser are owned by Google.

What upload speed do I need to make YouTube content?

If you're a content creator, y'all have to worry nearly your upload speed in addition to your download speed. If you plan on livestreaming on YouTube, you probably want at least twenty Mbps upload speed.

Fortunately, y'all accept a lot more than flexibility if you're not streaming alive. The site has lots of handy tools for uploading, then while a faster upload speed will get your videos on YouTube faster, you lot can still be a YouTube creator with a wearisome upload speed.

If your uploads are taking likewise long, in that location are a few things you can practise.three

  • Reduce the file size of your video by using a unlike video format.
  • Upload during off hours when in that location's less internet traffic.
  • Choose a lower resolution for your video.
  • Upgrade your cyberspace connection to get more upload speed.

If you want to upgrade your internet connection to get more upload speed, the easiest fashion is to cull an internet connection that has symmetrical upload and download speeds, like cobweb.

Need a amend connexion to launch your YouTube career? Check out other providers in your area.


  1. YouTube, "System Requirements," Accessed November 4, 2021.
  2. YouTube, "Watch Videos on Slow Connections," Archived copy from March 19, 2015. Accessed November 16, 2021.
  3. YouTube, "Video Stuck During Upload," Accessed November 16, 2021.

Author - Peter Christiansen

Peter Christiansen writes near satellite net, rural connectivity, livestreaming, and parental controls for HighSpeedInternet.com. Peter holds a PhD in advice from the Academy of Utah and has been working in tech for over xv years every bit a figurer programmer, game developer, filmmaker, and author. His writing has been praised by outlets like Wired, Digital Humanities Now, and the New Statesman.

Editor - Rebecca Lee Armstrong

Rebecca Lee Armstrong has more than than six years of experience writing near tech and the internet, with a specialty in hands-on testing. She started writing tech product and service reviews while finishing her BFA in artistic writing at the University of Evansville and has found her niche writing most home networking, routers, and internet access at HighSpeedInternet.com. Her piece of work has also been featured on Summit X Reviews, MacSources, Windows Fundamental, Android Primal, Best Company, TechnoFAQ, and iMore.

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Source: https://www.highspeedinternet.com/resources/how-internet-connection-speeds-affect-watching-hd-youtube-videos

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